Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bacon Pineapple Bites

  • fresh pineapple
  • thick sliced applewood smoked bacon
  • brown sugar

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.


Make and eat!  Easy peasy!

First, soak enough toothpicks in water.  [I put them in a small dish of water and microwaved them for 30 seconds to hasten the soaking and then let them sit for about 10 minutes.]  Set aside.

Cut the top, bottom, and sides off the pineapple, slice into rings, and cut into one inch cubes/chunks, avoiding the core.  [The leftover pineapple will keep well in the refrigerator, especially if you flip the container once a day to keep the juices coating the pieces.]  Set aside.

Put some brown sugar into a smaller, wider bowl.  [I use pyrex 10 ounce custard cups.]  Set aside.

Cut each strip of bacon in half.  Wrap the bacon around the slice and pin it with a toothpick.  [I just set the bites on the same pan I was going to use to cook them until they were all speared.]  Several recipes recommend putting the seam part down, but, in cooking these twice, I found they held together better with the seam side up.

Once speared, dunk each bite into the brown sugar, coating the bacon.  You may need to use your fingertips to press some brown sugar on top.

Place on an aluminum baking sheet (lined with foil if you wish, but crimp the edges so the juices do not run off), making sure that each bite has a bit of space around it so that they do not stick together during the roasting.

Roast at 425 degrees for 35-40 minutes.  [I found 38 minutes to be just perfect for mine, pictured below.]

Myrtle's Note:  I got the basics of the recipe off of a Google search, but was not interested in all the variations of dipping sauces for these.  They don't need enhancement!  The recipes all had different roasting temperatures.  The second time I made them, I upped the temperature, because I think that the best basic roasting temperature is 425 and did not use that the first time.  The higher temperature made the brown sugar coating more prominent, so there was more of a blend of tastes to the bites.  I just adore these wicked appetizers.

Yield:  As much as you wish to make.

Source:  a variety from Google Search (bacon pineapple bites).